Friday, January 4, 2013

Creepy Cool!

I have this devotional book I read everyday.  I bought it because my friend, Aleisa, has it and refers to it often in her blog about Nora.  She often talks about how eerie it is that whatever is happening in her life, the day's devotional seems to fit just perfectly.  Every time I was with Nora, I would see her "Calling Jesus" book laying on the desk in her living room.  I would pick it up and read the day's devotional.  So often the words WERE poignant to what I was feeling that day or what I was experiencing in life.  It's like a little love note from Jesus and I always felt so good and taken care of when I read it.

So I bought the book on Amazon.  It's little, it's portable and it's easy to read (right up my alley).  I bought a few extra copies for some friends I knew would love it.  I would read each day and put it down and think about the words I just read.  But I hated waiting to find out the next day's message.  One day I was telling Aleisa this and she said, "Well each day I read the day before, the actual day and the next day's reading.  That way I've read each day twice and I can really absorbed the message."  Well heck, you don't have to tell me twice to jump ahead!  So I, too, started doing that.

It never ceases to amaze me that when my confidence is rocky, or my resolve is fading, when I ask for a little help, without fail, it appears (does this sentence with multiple commas make sense?).

This 100 mile thing is a little scary to really think about and absorb.  Every little "what if" that could possibly pop up, does.  And being that it is now the year that I am doing it (2013), I find myself in a state of  "What the HELL are you thinking??"  This is like running from here to Columbus, only on trails with multiple hills and rocks.  When I drive to see my friend Krista, it seems to take FOREVER.  She lives in Columbus.  But I keep training.  Upping my time and mileage in the woods, trying ever so hard to convince myself that all will be fine and by the time July rolls around, I'll be so well trained that I'll KNOW I can make it.

My friend Greg and I are planning on getting together "one of these days" to work out the kinks on launching a website that will help do this run as a fundraiser.  I think when that is up and "running" (HA!), I will feel much better.  For it is the sole purpose for my training.

In the meantime, however, I get little messages that remind me to keep my eye on Who is at the wheel.  And in doing so, a definite sense of calm takes over and the feeling that this will be an awesome journey.  One which will benefit so many needy and innocent lives.

January 5th (tomorrow's devotional read today :)

"You can achieve the victorious life through living in deep dependence on Me.  People usually associate victory with success:  not falling or stumbling, not making mistakes.  But those who are successful in their own strength tend to go their own way, forgetting about Me.  It is through problems and failures, weakness and neediness that you learn to rely on Me.

True dependence is not simply asking Me to bless what you have decided to do.  It is coming to Me with an open mind and heart, inviting Me to plant my desires within you.  I MAY INFUSE WITHIN YOU A DREAM THAT SEEMS FAR BEYOND YOUR REACH.  YOU KNOW THAT IN YOUR YOURSELF YOU CANNOT ACHIEVE SUCH A GOAL.  Thus begins your journey of profound reliance on Me.  It is a faith walk, taken one step at a time, leaning on me as much as you need.  THIS IS NOT A PATH OF CONTINUAL SUCCESS BUT OF MULTIPLE FAILURES.  However, each failure is followed by a growth spurt, nourished by increased reliance on Me.  Enjoy the blessedness of a victorious life, through deepening your dependence on Me."  Sarah Young, Calling Jesus.

So how about that?  I think "Someone" knew exactly what I needed to hear.  He is so sweet like that.

The beautiful thing about God is that He takes care of us all.  Not just those who are profoundly aware of His presence, but even those who don't believe He exists.  The sadness in this is what those people are missing.  The signs, the messages, the miracles are glaringly EVERYWHERE.  Sadly so many ignore these beautiful gifts or chalk things up to coincidence.  When amazing, "lucky" things happen, they are anything but coincidence.  Each time I recognize one of these gifts, my confidence enthusiasm soars... my excitement and passion to train hard soars.

Should be a great day on the trails today :)

1 comment:

  1. Someone (named Barbara, actually) gave me that book last year right before the baby was born. Read ahead to March 5 and remember I read that before Miss was born. To say the least, I was not comforted before my c-section. But after, whoa. Jesus Calling indeed.
